Ranking Blogów Top 100
24 min read1. The Blond Salad, Moda
The Blonde Salad i stojąca za blogiem Chiara Ferragni to marka sama w sobie. Dwa lata z rzędu, mieszająca w Los Angeles, 28-latka z włoskimi korzeniami, zajęła pierwsze miejsce w rankingu najpopularniejszych blogerek modowych na świecie. Kilkanaście milionów obserwujących – zarówno na blogu, Instagrame i Facebooku sprawiają, że jest jedną z najbardziej wpływowych osób w globalnej blogosferze.
2. Amelia Liana, moda
Amelia Liana jest influencerką mającą ogromny wpływ na wielbicieli podróży, mody, urody i styl życia w Londynie. W wieku 21 lat założyła amelialiana.com, kończąc uniwersytet, i szybko stała się zwykłą dziewczyną, która inspirowała miliony młodych osób.
Inspirując się podróżami, pracą i życiem osobistym, jej posty odzwierciedlają jej witalność i szybki styl życia.
3. Billboard, muzyka
Best known for the Hot 100 and Billboard 200, which list the most popular songs and albums each week in the industry. Offers industry news, events, podcasts, and music streaming.
4. Minimalist Baker, kulinaria
Przenosimy się za wielką wodę. Tam w rankingu najlepszych blogów kulinarnych od dawna już króluje niezwykle zgrany duet – Dany i Johna Shultz z Portland w Oregonie. Wielkie serce? Prawdziwy talent? Kulinarna pasja? Wszystko to razem sprawiają, że blog Minimalist Baker cieszy się uznaniem czytelników na całym świecie.
5. Health Harvard Blog , zdrowie
Health Harvard Blog to niewątpliwie jeden z najlepszych blogów o zdrowiu, zapisując się na newsletter możesz liczyć na eksperckie porady dotyczące zdrowia psychicznego i fizycznego, profilaktyki zdrowotnej , higieny zdrowia, leczenia nowotworów, kondycji fizycznej, wybranych artykułów z czasopism wydawanych przez Harvard Health :Men Health i Woman Health.
6. Finding The Universe
Finding The Universe to blog podróżniczy prowadzony przez Laurenca i Jessica Norah. To jeden z najpopularniejszych blogów o podróżach na świecie - który został również opisany przez CNN, National Geographic, USA Today i nie tylko.
Laurence i Jessica są podróżnikami, fotografami i pisarzami powoli odkrywającymi świat, a obecnie mieszkają w Edynburgu w Wielkiej Brytanii.
7. TMZ
Podcasts, interviews, videos, and photo galleries covering the latest entertainment news in Australia and around the world. Articles primarily cover celebrity lifestyle, focusing on health, beauty, fashion, as well as travel.
8. Business Insider
High-end business journalism keeping readers up-to-date on economic news as well as interviews with top entrepreneurs. There’s also educated predictions, trend analyses, and tips on how to improve businesses.
9. Enterpreneur
Find business news, webinars and events, book recommendations, and interviews with successful entrepreneurs. The site is updated daily and even has a magazine for longer-form pieces.
10. Wired
Witryna Wired.com, wcześniej znana jako Wired News i HotWired, została uruchomiona w październiku 1994 r. Witryna i magazyn zostały podzielone pod koniec lat 90. XX wieku, kiedy to drugie zostało zakupione przez Condé Nast Publishing, Wired News (strona internetowa) została kupiona przez Lycos niedługo po tym. Obaj pozostali niezależni, dopóki 11 lipca 2006 r. Condé Nast nie kupiła Wired News, głównie w odpowiedzi na malejące zyski. Ten ruch w końcu ponownie połączył drukowane i cyfrowe wydania Wired i oba są obecnie (od 2019 r.) Ściśle powiązane edytorsko.
11. Work it Daily
Work It Daily is an online learning platform that provides trusted, easy-to-use career support for people who want more out of their careers. Long-time career expert and influencer J.T. O'Donnell founded the company back in 2009 with the intent of helping people find more success and satisfaction in their careers.
12. Xoxo Bella
Blogger Bella Bucchiotti created XOXO Bella to chronicle her love of fashion, travel, fitness, food, and life.
Bella also has Type 1 diabetes. She shares candid posts about life with the disease in an effort to spread awareness and take away the stigma of having it.
Bella’s posts have been predominantly travel-related as of late, but she still sprinkles in posts related to all aspects of her lifestyle regularly.
13. Pitchfork
The latest in music and jams without the distraction of ads and clickbait. Top charts, videos, and celebrity features along with recommendations, the best apps, and music news.
14. Hooked of Houses
Julia zacząła pisać tego bloga w 2008 roku, aby podzielić się swoją obsesją na punkcie wielkich i wcześniejszych wydarzeń, niezapomnianych domów filmowych i telewizyjnych, domów sław i telewizji HGTV.
Pracowała wtedy jako pisarz i redaktor, więc zaczęło się to jako fajna rzecz w weekendy. Miała nadzieję znaleźć pokrewne duchy, które byłyby tak samo podekscytowane jak ładny domek lub dom wiejski godny omdlenia.
Ta strona jednak się rozrosła i stała się tak duża, tak szybka, że w 2010 postanowiła całkowicie poświęcić się blogowaniu. Dziś po 10 latach blog ma 80 milionów fanów. Tak więc tylko pogratulować.
15. Dulceida
Dulceida to hiszpańska wielbicielka mody mieszkająca w Barcelonie . O klasie jej bloga najlepiej świadczy zdobycie najlepszego bloga o modzie na Berlińskim Tygodniu Mody. Jak mówi sama autorka fascynują ją w modzie emocje , ich kontrolowanie i wpływ jaki dzięki blogowi ma na popularność nowych trendów.
16. Hub Spot Blog
Blog jest przeznaczony dla marketingowców oraz sprzedawców. Marketingowcy znajdą tu mnóstwo pożytecznych pomysłów i inspiracji dla nowoczesnych marketingowców. Sprzedawcy znajdą tu często poszukiwane porady najbardziej znanych ekspertów sprzedaży , również w formie filmów i tutoriali.
17. Ilya Birman
Ilya Birman jest projektantem produktów i informatykiem. Tworzy strony internetowe i aplikacje, transportuję diagramy i oznakowania, kieruję projektantami i programistami, uczę projektowania, komponowania, odtwarzania i słuchania muzyki, podróży i robienia zdjęć.
18. Ask a Manager Blog
Not sure what the hell your manager is thinking, how to ask for a raise, whether you might be in danger of getting fired, or more? Ask your workplace questions here.
19. Gretchen Rubin
Blogger Gretchen Rubin gained worldwide attention when she launched her book The Happiness Project.
Through it, her other books, and her blog, Gretchen relentlessly explores human nature to understand how we can make our lives better.
Her blog was launched as an extension of her brand, and as a space to promote her books that are for sale.
Her mission is to share insights, strategies, stories, and tips that help people understand themselves and create a happier life.
20. People
Covers all things showbusiness, including celebrity gossip, entertainment news, and the latest on new shows, movies, and popular books. Quizzes, galleries, and webisodes aim to help keep viewers involved and informed.
21. Classy Career Girl
Founded in 2010, Classy Career Girl® is now one of Forbes 35 Most Influential Career Sites & a leading destination for ambitious women. Meaningful content at the intersection of work, dreams and everyday life. Classy Career Girl helps women find jobs & start businesses. Forbes Top 35 Most Influential Career Site and E-Learning Platform for ambitious women.
22. She Knows
SheKnows is the #momlife expert. We’re an inclusive community for parents, and we recognize the challenges that living a full, vibrant, busy mom-life presents while also acknowledging the good stuff. (Honestly, there’s so much good stuff!)
We support women with the latest news, service, and aspirational stories to help them care for themselves and their families. SheKnows offers fresh and compelling content that informs and inspires parents’
23. Recruiting Blogs
RecruitingBlogs is the #1 online media resource for today's recruiting world, offering a signature mix of content, news, webinars, podcasts, videos, eBooks, white papers and events that develop professional best practices. RecruitingBlogs and its network of sites reach a global audience ranging from entry-level sourcers to strategy-level corporate executives.
24. Pinch of Yum
Pinch of Yum is probably THE most well-known recipe and food blog… At least on Pinterest!
Blogger Lindsay Ostrom says the blog started as a casual hobby while teaching fourth grade, and it turned into her full-time business over time.
She didn’t even implement ads on the site until after she’d been blogging a full year, and it took her three years after launching to consider quitting her job to dive in full time.
These days her drool worthy recipes have been featured on BuzzFeed, Brit+Co, and PopSugar.
And, Lindsay has a full team to help her and runs three other websites too.
25. NME
NMEhttps://www.nme.com/ |
26. The Uiverse Talks
Misją autorów bloga jest przypominanie innym o podstawowych prawdach życiowych: życie jest magiczne, jesteśmy potężni, a marzenia naprawdę się spełniają. Robimy to poprzez rozpowszechnianie informacji (poprzez inspirujące e-maile, wydarzenia i zmieniające życie przygody) o naturze rzeczywistości, prawie przyciągania, twórczej wizualizacji i sile myśli.
27. Life is Leggings
Showing you easy ways to eat healthy, stay motivated, switch to safer products, and move often with quick, effective workouts.
28. HR Zone
HRZone features the latest analysis & thought leadership to keep HR professionals up-to-date with industry developments and future trends.
29. Squiggly Carrers
Want to have a happy career and love your job but not sure where to start? The Squiggly Careers podcast by Amazing If brings you practical, action focused advice on how to take control of your career and make better choices about your future. Full of tips, tools and techniques that you can put into practice straight away.
30. The Work at Home Woman
Hello. My name is Holly Reisem Hanna, and I'm the founder of The Work at Home Woman. If you're a woman who is looking for a legitimate work-at-home job, or if you want to launch and run your own home-based business then you're in the right place
31. Lewis Howes
Hosted by New York Times bestselling author, world record holder, lifestyle entrepreneur, and former pro athlete, Lewis Howes, the School of Greatness podcast is on a mission to answer precisely that. The podcast explores this question by interviewing some of the greatest people on the planet: from game-changing business minds, to world-class athletes, to some of the most influential thought leaders out there.
32. Accidential Icon
Lyn Slater is a college professor, a grandmother, and a super successful fashion blogger in her 60s.
She says she created Accidental Icon because she was having trouble finding a fashion blog or magazine that spoke to her – an ordinary woman living in the city.
Anddd there is the cool story behind her awesome domain name!
When she was at New York Fashion Week, dressed up and waiting to meet a friend for lunch, photographers began taking her picture!
They mistakenly thought she was a fashion designer and she and her friend joked she was an accidental icon.
33. Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Reviewhttps://hbr.org/ |
34. Fashion Spot
The ultimate spot for the fashion obsessed including runway reviews, celebrity style and fashion, fashion and beauty trends, designers, models, and more.
35. Codziennie Fit
Blog prowadzony przez Martę Hennig - młodą, 22 letnią studentkę AWF, trenerkę personalną, byłą sprinterkę oraz dziennikarkę – to pewnie dlatego jej teksty pisane są bardzo przystępnie i niechaotycznie. Treści naprawdę wciągają! Co ciekawe Marta nie jest "fit maniaczką" i jak sama przyznaje "nie odmawia sobie wszystkiego". Ma bardzo zdrowe podejście i dystans do treningów i bycia fit, nie boi się wyrażać swojego zdania, mimo że nie zawsze jest ono popularne i zgodne z aktualnymi trendami. W tekstach wielokrotnie podkreśla, że aby zdrowo żyć, niekoniecznie trzeba wydawać na jedzenie majątek. U niej na blogu znajdziemy takie teksty jak: „Jak żyć zdrowo na studiach” oraz „Zdrowe produkty w Biedronce”. Przepisy, która proponuje Marta są naprawdę proste w przygotowaniu i nie zawierają składników, których nie znamy z naszej tradycyjnej kuchni. Jeśli miałabym znaleźć słabe strony bloga, to chyba byłyby to tylko zdjęcia potraw w przepisach – wiemy jednak, że fotografowanie jedzenia to bardzo trudna sztuka, dlatego wybaczamy.
36. Insperity HR Solutions
The Insperity blog focuses on business management, leadership and HR best practices. Learn how to become a better leader and improve employee performance.
37. Corporette
Corporette talks about life, fashion, and gives career advice to women who are in professional fields. For example, they talk about how to find a job, how to excel, and what the most comfortable heels to wear to work are. The site updates every day.
38. The Work at Home Wife
Welcome. My name is Angie Nelson. Whether you are looking for home business ideas, marketing information or how to earn an income from blogging, you will find it on The Work at Home Wife. I aim to provide valuable information about how to make money from home, tools of the trade and how to reach those goals that will provide you with the means to earn a living online without having to live online.
39. Nerd Fitness
There are a couple of things we love about Nerd Fitness.
First, Steve Kamb launched it because he couldn’t find this type of site online, so he created what he wanted to see.
Second, we love that he gives away killer content, while also selling courses and private coaching to help people meet their goals that much faster.
Through his flagship course, Nerd Fitness has helped more than 40,000 men and women gain strength, lose weight, and boost their confidence.
40. Engadget
Engadgethttps://www.engadget.com/ |
41. Small Business Trends
Small Business Trends is an award-winning hub of more than two million entrepreneurs, business owners, influencers and experts. The site features over 20,000 pages of content. We review tech products, cover small business news, and interview movers and shakers. We spotlight other small businesses and startups. Our core focus is practical content with targeted tips, trends and answers to your toughest questions.
Through our team of professional editors, journalists and vetted experts, we publish new content daily. We also produce feature publications like our digital magazine, ebooks and checklists. Our sister site BizSugar is an additional resource.
42. Okruchy
Blog literacki Okruchy.pl to odrobina kultury przyprawiona subiektywnym spojrzeniem na te książki, których nie znajdziesz na listach bestsellerów.
43. Lessons learned in life
Quotes To show you we've all been there. To encourage you to keep going. To get you through the day. To remind you to be strong.
44. Smaki na Talerzu
Na blogu znajdziecie przepisy na domowe słodkości, sałatki czy dania obiadowe. Prezentowane przepisy sprawdzą się w codziennym gotowaniu jak i podczas planowania uroczystości rodzinnych. Serdecznie zapraszam do wspólnego pieczenia i gotowania
45. Screw The Nine to Five
Alex and I’s absolute favorite thing about Jill and Josh Stanton, founders of Screw the Nine to Five, is their no-bullshit approach to running their business.
They swear, and they’re transparent and polarizing and not afraid to step on people’s toes. They tell it like it is . Ain’t nobody got time for anything else these days.
They got their start in online business by building niche websites and earning affiliate income.
They even moved to Thailand to lower their monthly expenses as much as possible while they build their business.
As their success grew, they began teaching others how to screw off from their 9-5 corporate jobs, make money online, and build a life on their own terms.
46. Mind Schift
MindShift explores the future of learning and how we raise our kids. We report on how teaching is evolving to better meet the needs of students and how caregivers can better guide their children. This means examining the role of technology, discoveries about the brain, racial and gender bias in education, social and emotional learning, inequities, mental health and many other issues that affect students.
47. Club Thrifty
Holly and Greg launched Club Thrifty to teach others how they got out of debt (and running a mortuary business!) and began traveling more without breaking the bank
48. Mom Blog
Blogger Suzi Whitford didn’t just launch Start a Mom Blog, she also teaches moms all over the world how they can quit their jobs and do the same.
After a career in industrial engineering, Suzi quit to be a stay-at-home mom.
49. Page Six
Page Sixhttps://pagesix.com/ |
50. Cosmopolitan
Cosmopolitan.comhttps://www.cosmopolitan.com/ |
51. Yahoo Sports
Yahoo! Sportshttps://sports.yahoo.com/ |
52. Esquire
Esquirehttps://www.esquire.com/ |
53. Man Made
ManMade is updated several times per month by multiple authors. It talks about do-it-yourself projects, cooking, technology, and design. It’s updated daily and includes posts by multiple authors.
54. Michael84
55. Finanse po Godzinach
Blog o efektywnym oszczędzaniu i inwestowaniu dla każdego: dobre lokaty, najlepsze konta, obligacje oraz inwestycje alternatywne
56. Order of Man
Order of Man tells its readers to “live with purpose, achieve self-mastery, and create your legacy.” They say they can explain how to do that. Articles talk about how to improve yourself and live the life you desire. It updates a few times per week.
57. eLearning Industry
At eLearning Industry you will find the best collection of eLearning articles, eLearning concepts, eLearning software, and eLearning resources. It is the largest online community of elearning professionals in the industry, and was created first and foremost as a knowledge-sharing platform to help elearning professionals and instructional designers connect in a safe online community.
58. Mark Manson
Over the past 10 years, Mark Manson has blogged more than 1,500 pages of content all around the central ideas of personal values, emotional health, relationships, life purpose and self-discipline.
He writes mostly for himself, but he says that he shares it on his blog to help others out in the process.
Mark would be the first to say he recognizes a lot of his self-help writing is considered crap by many people, but others think he is a genius.
Alex and I personally really love Mark Manson’s books. His writing style is very honest and no-bullshit, and it’s something that we can really relate to.
59. Cookin with Mima
Founded by blogger Mariam Ezzeddine, Cookin With Mima is a food blog that was inspired by crazy pregnancy cravings Mariam had while pregnant with her first child.
Her background was in Criminal Justice, and she even worked in the field for the federal government, but her passion has always been food.
60. Clumps of Mascara
Clumps of Mascara is for the imperfectly perfect women and men of the world.
As blogger Brittany Minor explains, beauty is fun, but it’s not perfect – hence the name: clumps of mascara.
Brittany’s blog celebrates all things makeup and beauty, but also embraces that awkward, quirky and different are also normal and 100% okay.
If you’re tired of the photoshopped and “perfect” photos out there on the internet and want a real, fresh, transparent take on beauty — this is your space.
She’s a great example of being able to identify a need in an oversaturated market with the wrong kind of information — and satisfy that need.
61. The Fitnessista
Blogger Gina Harney is the personal trainer, fitness guru, and weight loss specialist behind The Fitnessista.
Her blog features quick workouts and recipes for even the busiest people looking to up their health and fitness game.
Gina launched her website to share healthy meal examples and fitness ideas with her personal training clients.
And, three years after launching the website in 2008 she hit one million monthly page views.
62. Smart Passive Income
The brainchild of blogger Pat Flynn, Smart Passive Income teaches people how to make money in their sleep — with a blog or website.
He’s the first to admit though, and we wholeheartedly agree, that there is generally still a great deal of work involved to make “passive income.”
But, that doesn’t mean the work has to be done by you specifically!
Pat’s first website was actually an online education blog that he created to help him study for and pass an exam.
The exam he passed was for a job that ultimately laid him off, and so he repurposed it into a study guide people could purchase.
He began yielding passive income from that study guide, and people wanted to know how he was making money. Smart Passive Income was his way to answer all the questions, and teach others how they too could earn passively.
63. Poznajemy Świat
64. It's A Lovely Life
Heather Delaney Reese is a mom of three, and the blogger behind It’s A Lovely Life®.
Like Suzi, Heather began her website after becoming a stay at home mom.
Heather wanted to utilize the skills of storytelling and journalism she had learned in college, so she began writing online.
What I love about Heather’s story is that she says she found her dream job that she never knew existed — This is 100% how I feel after discovering the world of blogging.
She created the website in 2014, and it soon became so successful, that she says her whole family is now a part of it.
Heather says the website makes money through brand partnerships, hosting Twitter parties, writing for brand websites, and acting as a brand ambassador for multiple clients.
65. Men Health
Men's Healthhttps://www.menshealth.com/ |
66. Entertainment Tonight
Entertainment Tonighthttps://www.etonline.com/ |
67. Digital Spy
Digital Spyhttps://www.digitalspy.com/ |
68. Autoblog
Autobloghttps://www.autoblog.com/ |
69. Louder
Louderhttps://www.loudersound.com/ |
70. Learning Solutions
Learning Solutions Magazine serves education and training professionals, especially those interested in eLearning and technology. Our goal is to create a place where learning professionals can share their knowledge, expertise, and ideas to build a better industry and better learning experiences for everyone.
71. Pani Ekscelencja
72. Poetry Magazine
The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience. The Poetry Foundation's literary blog for poetry and related poetry news. Poems, readings, poetry news and the entire 100-year archive of POETRY magazine.
73. Gabby Bernstein
Gabby Bernstein’s mission is simple – to make her readers the happiest people they know.
She launched her website as a lead generator for her coaching practice, but it has since evolved into a space where she can teach the masses about the subjects of…
- Manifestation
- Finding the power within,
- And being the best version of themselves they possibly can become.
Gabby writes about the negative talk and mindsets we all have, and how to adjust them so that we can attract our dream lives.
She calls herself a Spirit Junkie, and she teaches spiritual principles and meditation practices we can all use to live in alignment with our true purpose.
74. 100 Days of Real Food
100 Days of Real Food
Lisa Leake and her family took a 100 Days of Real Food pledge. The blog was launched to document their journey after taking the pledge.
They didn’t eat a single ounce of processed food or refined ingredients for 100 days in the hopes that they would inspire people to follow suit.
Their blog shares recipes that help readers have better health by making simple changes to their food choices.
75. We Wore What
Danielle Bernstein is an Instagram influencer turned blogger that started her fashion career more than a decade ago.
Before the age of 25, she was placed on Forbes 30 Under 30 list, and has since invested in many new business ventures including her own line of swim and overalls.
She launched her blog, We Wore What, as a way to extend her brand and expand her influence in the fashion world.
76. Fit Foodie
The Fit Foodie
Those words might not seem like they go together, but blogger Sally O’Neil thinks you can be both a foodie, and physically fit.
Though most diets suggest low-calorie foods, she believes life is better with chocolate and apple crumble.
Her mission with The Fit Foodie was to find a healthy balance so she can indulge in her passion for food, while maintaining good physical fitness.
Her mission with the blog is to find a healthy balance so she can indulge in her passion for food, while maintaining good physical fitness.
Her blog lets you have the cake and the bikini body too!
77. My Wife Quit Her Job
My Wife Quit Her Job
Steve and Jennifer Chou are the faces behind the blog that they say is an outlet for them to document their experiences and strategies for building wealth on a single steady income.
Jennifer was a financial analyst until she became pregnant, and she wanted to stay at home to raise her daughter.
My Wife Quit Her Job teaches others how they can implement strategies for implementing additional income if they choose to become single-income families, or just want to make more money for more financial security.
78. Follow Me To
Bloggers Murad and Nataly Osmann took a trip to Barcelona where they fell in love with each other, photography, and travel.
They took so many photos together while traveling, that it became a project for them to get “that shot” (of Nataly pulling Murad forward) in each destination they went to.
Their website, FollowMeTo, was their means of sharing their photo project with anyone who might find it via social media.
After the media caught wind of their adorable photo project, their travel blogging dreams took flight and launched a full-blown career for them, including special projects, collaborations with big brands like Google, and even writing a couple of books.
79. Savvy Sassy Moms
Bloggers Jenna Greenspoon and Lisa Kobrin created Savvy Sassy Moms to help busy moms stay up-to-date on everything from…
- Parenting trends to fashion advice,
- Tips on throwing a baby shower to finding the coolest toys,
- And picking a great family hotel to making sense of technology.
But this was never just some hobby blog for these two. They started their blog with the intention of turning it into a full-time business.
Jenna’s focus is on new parents and parents with young children because when she got pregnant with her first child, she says there were a million questions that needed answering.
Her aim is to answer those questions for new moms and moms to be.
Lisa specializes in children in the classroom, and places particular focus on relational aggression and how children can strategize and get along within social groups.
80. ZD Net
ZDNethttp://www.zdnet.com/ |
81. Stereogum
Stereogumhttps://www.stereogum.com/ |
82. Harper's BAZAAR
Harper's BAZAARhttps://www.harpersbazaar.com/ |
83. Ultimate Classic Rock
Ultimate Classic Rockhttps://ultimateclassicrock.com/ |
84. Edutopia
Edutopiahttps://www.edutopia.org/ |
85. E! News
E! Newshttps://www.eonline.com/news |
86. Too Fab
toofab.comhttps://toofab.com/ |
87. Khan Academy
Khan Academy doesn't get top billing due to its popularity. Sal Khan and his team have earned their place by creating self-paced, free, source of online education that has become an industry standard. Khan academy provides an easy path for students to jump in and begin learning about any subject that they choose.
88. Poezja RAF
89. My Bubble
I am a girl from India who aspires to become a published author one day! This blog is my journey with you all to realize my dream. As a voracious reader who loves to write, my other passions include cooking and travelling. Also, I am a big foodie who just loves to explore and experiment with all the diversity that is present.
90. Realtree
Realtreehttps://www.realtree.com/ |
91. Ted-Ed
Ted-Ed is full of educational videos on a variety of general education topics that can be accessed for free. Not only are there motivational speakers on Ted, there are also topical videos, often less than ten minutes each that are full of important information. TED-Ed's mission is to capture and amplify the voices of great educators around the world.
92. Roman Szczepkowski Blog
Blog Romana Szczepkowskiego - blog pisarza autora ksiażek o rozwoju osobistym, informatyce i pozycjonowaniu. Roman Szczepkowski to autor książek Rozwój Osobisty, Nowoczesne pozycjonowanie książek, Szkoła nr 2, Radosne życie bez alkoholu, Pani Emilka. Autor wielu poczytnych artykułów dla czasopisma MISS i Szecherezada głównie o tematyce społecznej, seo, literaturze oraz internetowych platform szkoleniowych a także autor dwóch blogów specjalistycznych SEO Info Blog i Terapia Literacka. Tworca stron i sklepów internetowych oraz nowatorskich zdalnych usług diagnostyki i naprawy komputerów.
93. Beyond The Tent
Beyond The Tenthttps://www.beyondthetent.com/blog/ |
94. Rapid E- Learning Blog
The Rapid E-Learning Blog shares practical tips & tricks to help you become a rapid e learning pro.It is hosted by Tom Kuhlmann who has over 20 years of hands-on experience in the training industry and currently runs the community at Articulate.